“Magnetism and solar terrestrial applications” Speaker: Dr. JC Gianibelli, UNLP, December 2013. Res: 1085-1013 FACET-UNT.
“Elements of Space Weather”, Lecturer, Dr. Sergio Dasso, UBA-CONICET. December 2013. Res: 1063-1013 FACET-UNT.
“Signal processing using reconfigurable hardware design applied to radars for geophysical applications”, Speaker: James A. Baskaradas, MSc. (Bharathidasan University, India); PhD. (Nagpur University, India); Istituto Nazionale di Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), Rome, Italy. Dicado in the DEEC-FACET-UNT, Nov 2011. Res: 1193/2011, FACET-UNT
“Observation of the ionosphere with vertical radiosonde”, Lecturer: Carlo Scotto, MSc. (La Sapienza in Rome), Senior Researcher at the Istituto Nazionale di Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), Rome, Italy. Dicado in the DEEC-FACET-UNT, Oct 2011. Res: 1212/2011, FACET-UNT.
“VHDL digital design for CPLDs and FPGAs”, Speaker: Mr. Jorge Scandaliaris, DEA doctoral program researcher at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain.. Scheduled date Mar 2012. Location DEEC-FACET-UNT. Res: 1202/2011, FACET-UNT
Curricular ride on Space Geophysics ” taught in the DEEC – FACET – UNT, September-October 2010, Resolution 853/2010, FACET – UNT. Coordinator: Dr. Miguel A. Cabrera.
“General Principles on Radar” Speaker: Dr. Miguel A. Cabrera, DEEC-FACET-UNT. Res: 853/2010. September 2010.