
Deployed and operational instruments on the campus of the FACET

Ionospheric station Tucuman. Digital depth sounder Ionospheric (AIS-INGV). Project in collaboration with Istituto Nazionale di Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), Italy, Faculty Regional Tucuman, National Technological University. August 2007 to date. Resp. Scientists: Dr. Enrico Zucceretti (INGV),Dr. Miguel A. Cabrera, Dr. Rodolfo G. Ezquer, Dr. Luis A. Scida. Under the responsibility of Telecommunications Laboratory. FACET-UNT. Contact: mcabrera@herrera.unt.edu.ar

Data: http://ionos.ingv.it/tucuman/latest.html

Doppler station Tucuman. Project in collaboration with the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP), Czech Rep., FACET- UNT, Bilateral project MINCyT, Argentina-MEYS, Czech Rep.. November 2012 to date. Resp. Scientists: Dr, Jaroslav Chum (IAP), Dr. Miguel A. Cabrera, Ing. Juan E. Ise, Ing. José I. Cangemi. Under the responsibility of Telecommunications Laboratory. FACET-UNT. Contact: mcabrera@herrera.unt.edu.ar

Data: http://datacenter.ufa.cas.cz/

Riométrica station TucumanIn collaboration with Dr. Katzuo Makita, Japán, Institute of Geological Correlation ( INSUGEO ) (http://www.insugeo.org.ar/), Tucumán, Argentina. Resp. Scientific: Dr. Miguel A. Cabrera. Under the responsibility of Telecommunications Laboratory. FACET-UNT. Contact: mcabrera@herrera.unt.edu.ar

Data: http://polaris.nipr.ac.jp/~ytanaka/riometer.html

Dual frequency GPS receiver station ( Novatel )Project in collaboration with Istituto Nazionale di Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), Italy. August 2010 to date. Resp. Scientists: Dr. Rodolfo G. Ezquer, Dr. Miguel A. Cabrera. Laboratory under the responsibility of Ionosphere. Department. Physical FACET – UNT. Contact: rezquer@herrera.unt.edu.ar

Simple frequency GPS receiver station ( Plessey )1996 to date. Resp. Scientists: Dr. Rodolfo G. Ezquer, Dr. Miguel A. Cabrera. Laboratory under the responsibility of Ionosphere. Department. Physical FACET – UNT. Contact: rezquer@herrera.unt.edu.ar

Install instrument ( estimated date November 2015 )

Magnetometric Station. Resp. Scientists: Dr. Clezio de Nardin (INPE), Dr. Miguel A. Cabrera, Under the responsibility of Telecommunications Laboratory. FACET-UNT. Contact: mcabrera@herrera.unt.edu.ar