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Talks are now available! also material of the AI School
We invite you to participate in the competition [Spanish]: ¿Llevo paraguas? Pronosticando la lluvia
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The registration for abstract, the school and the workshop are officially closed, but you can still participate!! The talks (8 – 12 hs) are free, so you can just check on the program and attend your favorite activity!
The Laboratorio de Computación Científica, Dpto Ciencias de la Computación de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Tecnología (FACET) de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (UNT) invites students, teachers and researchers, companies, entrepreneurs, public and government institutions, and the general public to the first "Machine Intelligence: Training and applications to regional challenges" workshop, to be carried out between March 2 and 6, 2020.
This international event aims to address fundamental aspects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and applications of this discipline to various regional issues. In this way, it hopes to promote academic formation in AI, application development, knowledge transfer and entrepreneurship, and generate concrete ties of cooperation between different stakeholders.
Topics for this event include:
- Machine Learning Algorithms (ML)
- Data Science: Technologies and tools
- ML techniques applied to Image processing
- AI in Bioinformatics: synthetic biology, genomics, etc.
- AI solutions for problems related to medicine and public health.
- Applications of ML in Space Sciences such as Astronomy, Space Meteorology, etc.
- ML in other sectors: finance, e-commerce, e-government, etc.
During the development of the event, there will also be an intensive school on artificial intelligence aimed primarily at advanced students, postgraduate students, young researchers.
Main exhibitors:
Dr. Natalio Krasnogor: Director of the “Interdisciplinary Computing and Complex Systems (ICOS) research group”, University of Newcastle, UK. Expert in modeling complex systems and machine intelligence.
Dr. Jaume Bacardit: Professor and researcher at the "Interdisciplinary Computing and Complex Systems (ICOS) Research Group", University of Newcastle, UK. Expert in Bioinformatics, Data Mining and Evolutionary Computing.
Organizing Committee:
Dra. María Graciela Molina - LabCC - Dpto Ciencias de la Computación - FACET-UNT
Dr. Natalio Krasnogor - Newcastle University
Mg. Ing. Ticiano Torres Peralta - LabCC - Dpto Ciencias de la Computación - FACET-UNT
Lic. María Cristina Werenitzky - LabCC - Dpto Ciencias de la Computación - FACET-UNT
Dr. Jaume Bacardit - Newcastle University